Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Easter

Well the Easter Bunny made it to our house, We hope all of you had a happy Easter as well. Brynlee got spoiled of course, The Rabbit Brought her Tickets to go see Thomas the Train. She is very excited to ride on the train and to go have some fun. Hopefully it will be warm! Brynlee Had a hard time figuring out how the Easter Bunny thing worked, He had left a trail of eggs from the stairs to her basket which was under a table. The first thing she said was " That Easter Bunny made a Mess, You call him" We laughed and told her to pick the eggs up and maybe she would find a surprise. When she got done picking up the eggs, she looked at her basket and said " that darn Easter Bunny, Call him". We had to help her retrieve the basket and help her open it Before she really got it. We spent the day at My mom and dad's, We ate good food and had an Easter Egg hunt. Brynlee can't wait until little Easton is old enough to run around and play with her. It seemed like every where we went that day someone had a present for her, she is so lucky to have so many people who love her. In preparing for the Easter Bunny to come Brynlee decided she was a big girl and she no longer needs to wear Pull ups at night Yeah!, We still have a few accidents during the day but for the most part I think she's potty trained. I couldn't be more happy!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"A Rabbit"

Sometimes Brynlee says the funniest things. The other day she finally had pooped in the potty and in my excitment I said, good job Bryn if you keep this up and you are a good girl the Easter Bunny will bring you a surprise! she looked at me like i was nuts and said, a Rabbit. I was stunned she wasn't buying into the Easter bunny idea. I thought at two your child was to believe everything you tell them. We are in big trouble with her is all I can say. Since, we have been talking and reading books about the Easter bunny I think she may buy it. well Happy Easter to everyone!